martes, 8 de febrero de 2022



ARISARIS B&W - Breeze outfit (top and skirt)

Sizes for Lara, Petite, Legacy, Perky, Reborn,  INithium Kupra Kups

HUD for changing textures and colors.

99L$ LIMITED promotion
Special discount for group members in the world's store 

These launch offers are a limited time and then it will cost its usual price of 299L without repeating this offer again

Breeze Outfit:
Top open front and tied with ribbons that finish on a loop, the ropes reach the height of the skirt. Very sexy.
Open skirt on the side up to the height of the hip and topped with a tape.
Both the top and skirt come with 10 different options and a customizable HUD so you can create your outfit to your liking, customize the tapes, straps and skirt loop.

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